b'SSA Women Living in the Benedictine Tradition of.Kathleen Craig Holmes 98is a graduate of the SSA Class of 1998 and has been teaching at SSA for 14 years. She proudly teaches geography and STEM to our current SSA doves and has served as Senior Class Moder-ator for 6 years.Kathleen earned her undergraduate degree in History with a minor in Italian and Political Science from South-eastern Louisiana University.Her career includes teaching English in Russia, studying Political Science in Scotland,and earning a Masters of Science degree in Educational Technology from St. Josephs University.SaysStudyKathleen,I love being able to bring my love of learning to a new generation of Doves.Leanne McBurney Truehart 86,served as President of the Northlake-Man-deville Rotary Club for the 2019-2020 (July-June) year.Rotary provides service to others, promotes integrity, and advances world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, profes-sional, and community leaders.During my Presidency, our club was involved in mul-tiple community service projects including providing college scholarships to deserving graduating seniors, supporting local mental health nonprofits and Safe Haven, Habitat for Humanity, elementary school reading projects, the Northlake Nature Center, the Holiday Snow Village in Mandeville, the Northshore Court Foundation, the local Scouts community, our inter-national polio eradication project, Shelter Box, and much more.We also transitioned to having Zoom meet-ings during Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Covid-19 quarantine. CommunityAs always, I am proud to be a graduate of St. Scholastica which gave me the foundation of service to others and academic achievement.'